Sara intends to pursue a career focusing on contemporary chamber music performance, with an emphasis on the music of Canadian and women composers, as well as spending quality time chasing cows with her horse, Little Bee, back home on the ranch in Alberta.
Sara Kalke

SARA KALKE, FLUTE, won numerous scholarships and awards at the UBC School of Music, where she is currently studying with Brenda Fedoruk, including the Conrad Crocker Memorial Scholarship in 2004 and 2005, and the Johann Strauss Foundation Scholarship for study in Austria with renowned teachers Peter-Lukas Graf and Jean-Michel Tanguy, among others. Sara has performed and recorded with various orchestras and ensembles in Vancouver and Edmonton, and currently is collaborating with percussionist Daniel Tones in Duo Pacifica. In July, 2005, Sara was a prize winner in the Dichler Competition in Vienna, Austria.